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Successful Public Worshipping Ceremony for Usnisa of Sakyamuni
Date:2015-10-30 Author:     View:6299

Usnisa worshipping ceremony was held successfully in Niushou Mountain Cultural Tourism Zone from October, 28th to 30th, 2015. The coming tourists and Buddhism followers were amazed at magnificent Usnisa Palace, Usnisa Pagoda and Usnisa Temple. They participated in the event piously and followed the worshipping rites whole-heartedly, making the worshipping process solemn.

Next, let’s appreciate those beautiful moments:

Tourists waiting in the queue.

Well-organized and civilized worshipping.

Kids taking photos with Niuxiaochan (the mascot).

A devout Buddhism follower holding a prayer wheel.

Tourists getting the worshipping tickets.


Taking the sightseeing bus to Usnisa Palace.

Let’s help you.

Starting the sightseeing.

The sightseeing bus went through East Niushou Station, Fodingsi Station , East Tianque Station, West Tianque Station and  Yinlonghu Station. Part of the tourists got off at Fodingsi Station first.

Tourists reading Buddhism-related material in Usnisa Temple.

Arriving at Buddhist Holy Land of Usnisa to visit Usnisa Palace.

Tourists and Buddhism followers worshipped in Usnisa Palace.

The holy Usnisa and magnificent Thousand- Buddha Hall made visitors acclaim!

   Fortune and virtue remain forever

Thanks to all the visitors and Buddhism followers! Thanks to Buddhism!

Prev:Congratulation on Trial Operation of Niushou Mountain Cultural Tourism Zone on October 31st
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